ADopt a rachel's vineyard retreat

We offer weekend Rachel's Vineyard™ retreats to those who are suffering from the pain of an abortion experience. Retreatants can deal with the repressed grief, anger, and guilt often associated with the loss of a child from an abortion, and take steps toward real psychological and spiritual healing. 
*This volunteer opportunity is for groups of 6+ people only*
Volunteer Description: Are you passionate about supporting individuals on their healing journey? Join our team as a Retreat Volunteer and profoundly impact the lives of the women, and men (including young adults and teens) seeking healing through Rachel's Vineyard Retreats. As a retreat volunteer, you will help set up and tear down one of the three annual English retreats.

We currently have one dedicated group assisting, and there are three English retreats in need of adoption. Your involvement, even once a year, holds immense value for both the participants and the dedicated team serving them.

Mid February, on a Thursday 6:30-8:30 (2 hours set up) & on the following Sunday, 4:15-6:15 (2 hours of tear down).

Mid June, on a Thursday 6:30-8:30 (2 hours set up) & on the following Sunday, 4:15-6:15 (2 hours of tear down).
Mid October, on a Thursday 6:30-8:30 (2 hours set up) & on the following Sunday, 4:15-6:15 (2 hours of tear down).

Exact dates will be provided after completion of the sign-up form below. 
Contact for more information.

Annual Adoption: Commit to adopting a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat in English once a year and helping with the setup/tear down of the event. 

Prayer Support: Offer heartfelt prayers for the participants throughout the retreat, providing comfort and spiritual support.

Personalized Prayer: Receive and pray for the first names of the individuals attending the retreat.

Optional Gestures of Love: Volunteers can leave small tokens of love in participants' rooms to convey a message of care and support (optional, not mandatory).

The people who attend these retreats are very much encouraged by knowing that someone loved them enough to come out and get all things ready, even without ever knowing them, showing them they are a real Simon of Cyrene in their lives. 

Who Can Volunteer? Groups of 6+ people only i.e. church groups, families, youth groups with an adult.

Where? Precise confidential location shared after completion of the sign-up form below. The general area is Grand Prairie.


Sign up to volunteer

First Name*
Last Name*
Which Date Would You Like to Volunteer?*
E-mail Address*
How Many People In Your Group Will Be Volunteering?*
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