The documents and images provided below are for your convenience to help participate in and promote 40 Days for Life. If there is a specific type of document that would assist you in promoting this year's campaign please email and we can help create & provide the needed materials.
Participant guidelines & forms
Vigil Guidelines English Español |
Map & Directions Southwestern Abortion Facility English Español |
Map & Directions Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility English Español |
Statement of Peace (bilingüe) Online Form Downloadable PDF |
Bulletin/Pulpit Announcement Bilingual / Bilingüe |
40 Days for Life Talking Points English Español |
Kick-off Rally Flyer English Español |
Customizable Flyer English Español |
Customizable Announcement Bilingual / Bilingüe |
Available Days for Prayer Adoption |
Sample Letter to Recruit Volunteers English Español |
Southwestern Reminder Cards English Español |
Planned Parenthood Reminder Cards English Español |