A Donation to the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Baby Bank Can:

  • Pay for one youth to attend a 5-day overnight Pro-Life Bootcamp  ($350)
  • Send a Woman struggling with the after-effects of an abortion to a healing retreat ($200)
  • Host a student to attend the Bishop's Pro-Life Dinner ($75)
  • Train a Gabriel Angel Mentor to walk with a Mom in need ($45)
  • Train a sidewalk counselor to help abortion-vulnerable moms ($25)

Your parish campaign will not only support the life-saving and life-changing ministries of the Catholic Pro-Life Community, it can also support your parish's respect life activities, local pregnancy resource centers, and maternity homes to ensure the sacred gift of life is protected, respected and nurtured. Thank you! 


Item Description Amount  
St Elizabeth Ann Seton Baby Bank $