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Bishop's Pro-Life Dinner Hosts and Sponsors 

Thank you to all our event hosts, sponsors and advertisers!

Defender of Life 

Table Host: 

John and Dorothy O'Dwyer

Defender of Life 

Table Host: 

Jan and Thom Schliem

Guardians of Life

Table Hosts:

Georgia and Marc Lyons

Carl and Jackie Ondracek

Bill and Mary Sladek
St. John Nepomocene Parish Drs. Jeffrey and Mayra Thompson

Mike and Barbara Weller


Marianne and Roger Staubach Fund

Advocates of Life 

Table Hosts:  

Nathan Hall

Harris, Hays, Howard, Love, Pelletier families

Harry and Norma Longwell

Ron and Alphecca Nguyen

Ed and Diane Stanley

Chris and Victoria Tanco


John and Kathleen Gutierrez

David and Judy McCalla Joe and Kathy Murphy

Bill and Mary Sladek


Protectors of Life

Table Hosts:  

Allen Pitts State Farm Insurance

Vinson and Tina Chapman

Jackie Crawford with
Alan and Diane Johnson

Bill and Wendy Dowd

Dan and Bettina Hennessey

Knights of Columbus Council #799

Knights of Columbus Council #5656

Knights of Columbus Council #6402 Knights of Columbus Council #7850
Knights of Columbus Council #11293

Pierre and Maureen Koshakji

Chris Jander

Tim and Maria Machelski

Jim and Helen McCleneghen

MBJ Construction Services

Vic Pantuso

Roger Scott, Jr.

St. Ann Catholic Church, Coppell

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish

St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic Church

St. Pius X Catholic Church

St. Rita Catholic Church St. Thomas Aquinas Fr. Josef Vollmer-Konig
Raul and Carmen Estrada with Alfredo and Irma Duarte Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Popolo, Jr. Jerry and Lucia Welch

Leland's Gold & Diamonds

Jennifer Chiarizio

Life Patrons

Table Hosts:  

Bishop Lynch Catholic High
Blessed Sacrament Catholic
Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin
 of Guadalupe
Catholic Daughters of the   Americas, Court #2694
Christ the King Catholic Church
Church of the Incarnation
Corpus Christi Catholic Church
Diocese of Dallas
Don and Cathy DeLorenz
Dr. Stephen and Carolyn
Ian and Rosemarie Everett
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
Ghassan and Victoria Hattar
Kris Hayes
Drs. Roy and Elizabeth Heyne
Bill and Kasey Hollon
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Immaculate Conception
 Catholic Church, 
Grand     Prairie
Charlie and Leslie Kelly
Knights of Columbus Assembly
#1087 – Fr. Abram J. Ryan
Knights of Columbus Council

Knights of Columbus Council

Knights of Columbus Council
Knights of Columbus Council

Knights of Columbus Council

Knights of Columbus Council
Knights of Columbus Council
Knights of Columbus Council
Knights of Columbus Council
Knights of Columbus Council
Knights of Columbus Council
Ladies Auxiliary of St. Francis of
Bill and Jeanne Larson
Mary Immaculate Catholic
Mater Filius Dallas
Mother of Perpetual Help
 Catholic Church
Notre Dame Club of Dallas
Nuestra Señora del Pilar
 Catholic Church
Dr. Anacleto and Evangeline
Our Lady of Angels Catholic

Our Lady of Angels Rosary
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic

Prince of Peace Catholic
Sacred Heart Catholic Church,
St. Augustine and St. Philip
St. Augustine Catholic Church
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic
 Church, Frisco
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic
 Church, Lancaster
St. Gabriel the Archangel
 Catholic Church
St. Joseph ACTS Group
St. Joseph Catholic Church,
St. Jude Chapel
St. Michael the Archangel
 Catholic Church, Garland
St. Michael the Archangel
 Catholic Church, 
Grand Prairie
St. Monica Pro-Life
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic

Tony and Lisa Stobb
Superior Systems Inc.
Dr. Cesar and Ana Termulo
Perla Tovar
Women of St. Francis, Frisco

Stephen and Elizabeth O'Roark Dunklin in the Details

Agent James Bell

Agent Allen Pitts


Full Page

Work Suites

Bishop Lynch High School

The Greater Association of Knights of Columbus of Dallas

Our Lady of Lebanon
Fall Festival


Half Page 

St. Joseph Catholic Community



Blessing Home Health

St. Jude's Knights of Columbus
Council #11293

Dr. Damian Garcia

Low Birth Weight
Development Center

Nuestra Señora del Pilar


Highlands Catholic School

University of Dallas
Catholic Ministry Conference


Santa Maria's Knights of Columbus
Council #6065