A “funny” thing happened on the way to hanging Christmas lights

December 16, 2014

In the alleyway behind an abortion facility where we were counseling, a man stopped the car and rolled down his window. The sidewalk counselor spoke to them -- a couple in the front seat and a man in the back seat -- and offered them literature with miraculous medals and rosaries. 

At the same time, one of the abortion facility owners was turning into the abortion facility parking lot. She gingerly came from her car to the alleyway and, as is frequently the case, began yelling at the sidewalk counselors. Then with a “kind” face, she looked at those in the car and motioned them to "come on in" to the abortion facility parking lot.

The woman on the passenger side, who had been listening to the sidewalk counselor,rolled down her window to tell the owner of the facility in no uncertain terms:"I don’t believe in abortion.” She was a "scrappy little woman", as my grandfather use to say.

We then learned that this feisty little woman has 5 babies of her own and one with the Lord, who the doctors told her to abort because the baby wasn't expected to live. She would have nothing to do with that suggestion and told them, "The baby is alive now. I'm not killing him." The baby lived 2 hours after birth; he "knew what it was like to live inside of his mamma and knew what it was like to be held by his mamma for 2 hours. I believe he is in heaven. I will see him again," she shared.

The man in the back seat of the car then told us that he has a child, but "really couldn't take care of him at the time he was born." His voice broke a little bit when he said, "But, my relatives adopted him."Then he smiled. "He is doing just fine. We don't believe in killing children."

Then, in one final miraculous moment, the driver asked the sidewalk counselor for his telephone number, wishing to talk to him about the Catholic Church and what it meant to be a Catholic.

They were all on their way to hang Christmas lights for someone.


Tags: Sidewalk Counseling

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