God called him...He said Yes

February 15, 2011

The "lunch hour" 12-1 vigil at Planned Parenthood was also remembered in prayers by those outside the Robinson's abortion center (another busy day... about 34 clients). 
A man was sitting in his parked car across the street from Robinson's ... for some time. 
He was later approached by one of the sidewalk counselors.  He said he had taken his wife for a doctor's appointment elsewhere, and God was telling him to "Go pray".  So he left the doctor's office and drove up Record Crossing to "Go pray". 
When he saw the sidewalk counselors at Robinson's, he realized it was an abortion facility and parked his car.   He sat in his car, prayed the rosary and then for a time stood outside his car praying.
Unbeknownst to him, a woman turned away from abortion (and went to the nearby pregnancy center), while he was praying, plus several other "hopefuls" left without having abortions that day. 
Wiping tears from his eyes, he said, "I knew this is where God was calling me to come.  I didn't know God was calling me to go pray outside an abortion center."
God called him.  He said, "Yes Lord".  What Faith! What obedience! 

Tags: Sidewalk Counseling

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