Bilingual Dialogue on the Death Penalty

Tuesday, October 16, 2018 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location(s): Paul the Apostle Parish Center, 900 St. Paul Dr. Richardson, TX


In light of the recent change to Catechism of the Catholic Church concerning the death penalty, this dialogue event will feature a presentation on the history and development of current teaching and a personal testimony by a woman personally affected by the death penalty in Texas, as well as an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about advocacy on this issue.

(English presentation in Central Room, Spanish presentation in Room 1).

For questions, please email or call 972-267-5433. 

(Please note: the parish center is not at the same location of the church and school. It is best reached by taking Central Expwy to Spring Valley Rd, and heading West on Spring Valley, then turn right on first street – St. Paul Drive – between the EXXON station and Tam’s Chinese Restaurant; the parish center will be on the left.)

Click here for flyer

Centro Parroquial San Pablo Apóstol, 900 St. Paul Dr, Richardson, TX. (Presentación en español en la sala 1; presentación en inglés en la sala central).

A causa de los cambios recientes al Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica relacionados a la pena de muerte, este evento de diálogo donde usted podrá aprender la historia y la enseñanza de la Iglesia, escuchar una experiencia personal sobre el corredor de la muerte, recibir respuestas a sus preguntas y descubrir cómo participar.

Para más información, visite o llame 972-267-5433.