Outdoor Rosary during Lent

Friday, March 26, 2021 9:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Location(s): 8610 Greenville Ave, Suite 200, Dallas TX 75243

Our  Rosary  will  be  prayed  BOTH  in  English  and  in  Spanish.  Please come and bring a friend or two.  There is NO cost, no offerings, no collections.

We will pray at the Birth Choice location, Birth Choice Women’s Center parking lot at the corner of Greenville Avenue and Royal Lane in Dallas.

Our Rosary will continue until Easter, 2021.  Everyone is invited to come, both Catholics and non-Catholics.

How did all of this get started?  With the Synod in our Diocese which will focus on Our Lady of Guadalupe. 

More information can be found on the website for our Diocese at cathdal.org

We will pray the Rosary for the success of these initial meetings or Synod which will honor the Blessed Virgin Mary - Our Lady of Guadalupe. As you know she is the Patroness of our Diocese as well as the Patroness of our Unborn Children.

We will pray for everyone who walks into the Birth Choice Centers and the White Rose Centers each and every day - today and tomorrow. This is our “prayer support” for everyone connected to our important Centers for LIFE.

Our Rosary will support the employees and volunteers of these Centers. Our prayers will support the men and women who would like to sit down and talk or visit with someone concerning the life of their baby who is about to be born. We will pray that all men and women will indeed choose LIFE for their baby. God wants us to support the Culture of LIFE in every way.