
In order to check your current safe environment status and/or begin the process of clearance please complete the form below. The Diocese of Dallas has mandated that everyone who handles money, volunteers in the CPLC office, works with children, youth, vulnerable adults, and/or developmentally disabled attend Safe Environment training annually following an initial Family of Faith Training, screening, and background check.

First Name *
Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Driver’s License # & State*
Home Address*
Zip Code *
Phone *
E-mail Address*
Parish or Church*
Identify the CPLC ministry or event you are volunteering for:*

If other, please specify:
Are you currently Safe Environment cleared?*

If you answered 'yes', please provide the name of parish/school/entity where your Safe Environment clearance is recorded. If you answered 'No,' please contact  after submiting this form.

Full name of entity with record of Safe Environment clearance
City and State of entity with record of Safe Environment clearance
Diocese of entity with record of Safe Environment clearance
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