Essay Contest for

The Order of Malta Scholarship for Life 

Scholarship opportunities are no longer being accepted.


How are you called to be faithful in the pro-life movement?


  • Write a 350-400-word essay reflecting on How are you called to be faithful in the pro-life movement?
  • One full scholarship to the 2019 March for Life will be awarded to the writer of the best overall essay. Second place is $200 towards the trip fee and third place is $100 towards the trip fee.
  • The contest is open to students in grades 9 through 12.
  • The essay should be typed, double spaced, and in size 12 Times New Roman.
  • Essays must be between 350-400 words eligibility.
  • Essays are due no later than November 6 by midnight. Entries may be submitted online only.
  • Grammar and spelling are important and may determine the difference between 1st place and runner up.
  • Name your essay file essay2018firstnamelastname.
  • Submit your essay online via the form below.
  • Do not include your name or anything that might identify you within your essay. (For example, instead of saying, “I’m the president of the pro-life club at John Smith High School,” just say that you’re the president of your school pro-life club.)
  • Your essay will be judged by a panel of judges who will not know the author of the essay.
  • Contest results will be announced by November 13th.

Good luck!

For more information contact Youth For Life Director Jacquelyn Smith

Scholarship opportunities are no longer being accepted.

First Name*
Last Name*
Zip Code*
Phone Number*
E-mail Address*
Date of Birth*
Sweatshirt Size*
Parent's Name*
Parent's Phone*
Parent's Email*
If you are coming as part of a group, please give the name of the group.**
Upload Essay*
Do you still plan to go on the trip if you do not win a scholarship?*

Note: The prior question is for attendance tracking only to ensure sufficient spaces are reserved. Contest judges will NOT have this information when reviewing essays.

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