Por favor, pida a su personal y voluntarios que le ayuden a responder las siguientes preguntas sobre cómo su parroquia fomenta el respeto por la vida desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural.

Versión de Word disponible aquí para completar (en español).   Por favor, devuelva esta encuesta y su Inventario de recursos tan pronto como pueda a o envíelo por correo a CPLC, 14675 Midway Rd, Ste 121, Addison, TX 75001)

Tenga en cuenta que esta encuesta es más fácil de completar en la vista de escritorio (en lugar de móvil).

¡Gracias por su valioso aporte para que podamos atender mejor sus necesidades!

Nombre de la parroquia*
Dirección de la parroquia*
Nombre de la persona que completó el formulario
E-Mail of person completing form (or best parish contact)


Supportive Services:

How does the parish or a parish group provide supportive services for mothers and fathers in need, babies at risk, the elderly / terminally ill, and individuals impacted by the death penalty?

Check all that apply:

Support for mothers and fathers experiencing an unexpected pregnancy:

Support for mothers and fathers who have experienced pre-born infant loss:

Support for the elderly and terminally ill:

Support for individuals impacted by the death penalty:

If you selected "Other" in response to any of the supportive services questions above, please explain:


Fundraising / Donations for Local Support Ministries:

Check all that apply:

What fundraising efforts do the parish or parish groups undertake to support the needs of mothers in

If you selected "Other" in response to the fundraising question above, please explain:


Parish Respect Life Ministry:

Does the parish have an active Respect Life Ministry?
If you have a parish pro-life coordinator, that person is
Do the members of the Respect Life Ministry regularly meet?
Does the Parish Pro-Life Coordinator meet with clergy or parish staff regarding respect life ministry / activities? (Pick all that apply)

Does the Respect Life Ministry have a budget for respect life efforts / activity?


Parish Engagement

Respect Life intentions / announcements include topics such as protection of the unborn; end to abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the death penalty; or support for pregnant mothers, the option of adoption, those who experience abortion or miscarriage, and those who are terminally ill or on death row.

Select all that apply

Holy hours, Mass intentions or prayer groups dedicated to respect life:

If your parish has Adoration, Rosary or Mass intentions for Life, how frequently?
Announcements or Exhibits dedicated to respect life:

If your parish includes respect life items in your bulletin, how frequently?
If your parish makes pulpit announcements about respect life, are they related to: (check all that apply)

Parishioner / community activities dedicated to respect life awareness and engagement in the last three years:


*Diocese-wide activities include Advocacy Day, Pro-Life Stations of the Cross, 40 Days for Life, Respect Life Month Mass, Pasos por la Vida, Bella Vida

If your parish participates in the Roe v. Wade Mass and/or NTX March for Life, please check all that apply:

If you selected "Other" in response to the questions above regarding announcements, exhibits or activities, please explain:


Respect Life Education:

Respect Life issues include topics such as contraception, abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, the death penalty and bioethics (e.g., IVF, embryonic stem cell research, cloning)

Please pick all that apply

Does the parish currently incorporate education on respect life issues into its adult and youth catechesis and ministry programs?

If your parish educators / leaders present on respect life issues, please identify to which groups they present:

If your parish invites outside speakers on respect life, to whom do they present?

If you selected "Other" in response to the education question above, please explain:


Additional Comments

Are there any other ways the parish creates a Culture of Life within the Church environment?
Are there any additional resources you would like to assist in creating, promoting and supporting a Culture of Life in your parish community?
Any other comments you would like to share?
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